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Gazing on the Gospels Year A - The Third Sunday of Easter Year A
Gazing on the Gospels Year A - The Third Sunday of Easter Year A
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
The Third Sunday of Easter - Year A Meditation on Luke 24: 13-35 Gaze in your memory on the many times in your life you’ve met with a stranger. Remember the anxious feelings – the butterflies in your stomach, or the fear of embarrassment. You go to a new school, where you don’t k…
Gazing on the Gospels Year A - The Second Sunday of Easter Year A
Gazing on the Gospels Year A - The Second Sunday of Easter Year A
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
The Second Sunday of Easter - Year A Meditation on John 20: 19-31 Gaze on the doors of the house – note the plural. First there is the heavy external door, the main protection for the property, made of solid wood with massive hinges, and then another at the top of the stairs behi…
Gazing on the Gospels Year A - The Fourth Sunday of Easter Year A
Gazing on the Gospels Year A - The Fourth Sunday of Easter Year A
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
The Fourth Sunday of Easter - Year A Meditation on John 10: 1-10 Gaze or, this time, listen. Listen to a person’s voice and wonder what it is about the timbre that makes it recognizable. Each voice has a trace as unique as a fingerprint. Voices do not age in the same way as our f…
Gazing on the Gospels Year A - The Fifth Sunday of Easter Year A
Gazing on the Gospels Year A - The Fifth Sunday of Easter Year A
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
The Fifth Sunday of Easter - Year A Meditation on John 14: 1-14 Gaze on all the maps you use in daily life. On a trip to London, you stare at the maze of the Underground, trying to follow the snake-like threads of the different lines, and make sense of the colour codes. There’s t…
Gazing on the Gospels year c - Easter Day Year C
Gazing on the Gospels year c - Easter Day Year C
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
Easter Day Luke 24.1-12 Gaze on the early dawn. Each time we see it, it is as if we live through all the stages of creation again. First all is chaos and confusion, the stars are obscured by cloud and so is the moon. One moment nothing is visible, all is dark and we stumble about…
Gazing on the Gospels Year A - Christ the King Year A
Gazing on the Gospels Year A - Christ the King Year A
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
Christ the King - Year A First Sunday before Advent Meditation on Matthew 25: 31-46 Gaze on all these people gathering before the Son of Man on the day of judgement, all the characters we’ve met over the year. There are kings from the east and an innkeeper; there’s Mary, mother …
Gazing on the Gospels Year A - Proper 10 Year A
Gazing on the Gospels Year A - Proper 10 Year A
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
Proper 10 - Year A Meditation on Matthew 13: 1-9, 18-23 Gaze on this field – it’s easy to imagine, for Jesus has painted such a detailed picture. You may pass through such fields when you walk the dog. Together you stroll along the path, where in spring a few brave seeds have had…
Gazing on the Gospels year c - Proper 1 Year C
Gazing on the Gospels year c - Proper 1 Year C
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
Proper 1 Luke 5.1-11 Gaze on a shoal of fish. Imagine the weight of herring that used to be caught in the nets of the North Sea trawlers. Nets that have been torn at sea and mended countless times by patient, rough hands. The fish shine in the sunlight as they wriggle on deck. Th…
Gazing on the Gospels Year A - Proper 11 Year A
Gazing on the Gospels Year A - Proper 11 Year A
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
Proper 11 - Year A Meditation on Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-43 Gaze – listen! to a radio station in France, or Spain, or Germany, or wherever you are on holiday or business. Perhaps you learnt that language at school and used to be proficient enough, but now you are rusty and only cat…
Gazing on the Gospels Year A - Proper 12 Year A